The Domain Name System (Back to all quizzes)

  1. What does the Domain Name System accomplish?

    It allows network-connected computers to use a textual name for a computer and look up its IP address
    It keeps track of the GPS coordinates of all servers
    It allows Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) to manage IP addresses on the various continents
    It assigns different IP addresses to portable computers as they move from one WiFi to another

  2. What organization assigns top-level domains like ".com", ".org", and ".club"?

    IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
    IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force
    ICANN - International Corporation for Assigned Network Names
    IMAP - Internet Mapping Authorization Protocol

  3. Which of these is a domain address?


  4. Which of these is *not* something a domain owner can do with their domain?

    Create subdomains
    Sell subdomains
    Create new top-level domains
    Assign an IP address to the domain or subdomain